You may remember last April how excited we were to launch the StuartCo site, which is now an award winning website They had come to us with the goal of creating the best apartment search in the area. Instead of...
2015 is going to be a banner year for Checkerboard. We have launched several new services and initiatives enhancing our clients’ digital marketing programs. Even if you are pleased with how well your current website is...
I ran across this excellent article by Mike Volpe at MarketingProf outlining three reasons most websites fail. I encourage you to read the entire article, but the gist is this. Websites need to be: Dynamic...
When someone says Spam, people generally think about the whole product pictured above. When we talk about spam, we aren’t talking about everyone’s favorite canned spiced ham. We love that stuff, but...
A: The short answer is – always make improvements to your site! The long answer is – use a combination of the suggestions listed below to increase SEO and the effectiveness of the ‘spiders’ that search engines...