2015 is going to be a banner year for Checkerboard. We have launched several new services and initiatives enhancing our clients’ digital marketing programs. Even if you are pleased with how well your current website is working, please keep reading. There may be more we can help you do to help you drive traffic and increase sales.
It’s all about having the right tools …
Top digital marketing professionals are focused on having the right tools. We have fine-tuned our expertise in WordPress, MailChimp, social media channels such as Facebook and LinkedIn, search engines and all things Google. We’ve also streamlined our intake process, and will move it online very soon.
… and having the right expertise!
Checkerboard’s staff is now Google Analytics certified, which is an industry recognized qualification. The program involves a daunting in-depth examination that gauges understanding of the data as well as our ability to use it.
Not every agency has certified Google Analytic experts. Even fewer of those experts possess the years and depth of marketing experience that our team brings to each project. In addition, many on our staff are now Google AdWords certified. Having these certified experts on our staff has numerous benefits, including enabling us to better track and refine our clients’ campaigns so that they are more engaging, and drive more traffic to their websites.
Our property managers pull it all together
One of our best-received new services is our website property management. Our highly qualified property managers are put in charge of your website and digital marketing, just as you might put a manager in charge of the day-to-day operations of a brick-and-mortar store. They are a phenomenal asset! They assist clients with executing content marketing programs, managing digital ad campaigns, optimizing websites, email marketing and other related tasks. They also evaluate new online marketing features on our clients’ behalf.
Connect with us soon, so that we can explain all of the new services and opportunities we have available.
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