Andrea Schiebe

Read Andrea's articles below.
Who has the resources to support your website?

Who has the resources to support your website?

Think about how many different skills it takes to support your website. Websites need graphic design, code, writing and marketing to attract visitors and convert them into leads. That’s a pretty wide array of skills. But you don’t need to hire four separate people to do that. You can get just one web property manager. As a web property manager, I monitor client websites, and design and execute digital marketing strategies. And, I can tap into the talents of a very diverse crew.

How we choose the right keywords for your website

How we choose the right keywords for your website

Even if you have the most useful product on the market, your website still needs the right keywords so that customers can find it in an Internet search. Choosing keywords is essential to effective search engine optimization (SEO). As a Web Property Manager, I help clients choose effective keywords so they can attract more website visitors. Here are three of my best tips for selecting the best keywords for your website.

Your keywords can attract more web traffic

Your keywords can attract more web traffic

Smart keyword strategy can make a significant difference in the number ‒ and quality ‒ of visitors your website attracts. To use keywords effectively, you need to understand what types of keywords exist and where to place them. Our team creates website content with keyword strategy in mind. Here are some ways we use keywords to help our clients attract more web traffic.

Five ways social media marketing contributes to your bottom line

Five ways social media marketing contributes to your bottom line

Social media marketing shows your audience that you have helpful information and solutions. Even if your posts don’t result in immediate sales, your content will educate readers about the value you offer and build awareness. When the urge to purchase strikes them, they’ll know how to find you.

Most professionals are busy and don’t have time to produce a steady stream of quality content. We will connect you with writers to do that for you. We use tools to enable your posting process to be more efficient and easily repurposed across multiple channels. We’ll integrate your social media posts to ensure a consistent message is delivered to your audience.

Does social media work for B2B marketing?

Does social media work for B2B marketing?

The key to successful B2B social media marketing is to build relationships by posting content that helps professionals in their work. If you don’t have the time to create a social media content stream, Checkerboard can do it for you as part of our range of integrated marketing services.

2960 Judicial Road, Suite 230

Burnsville, MN 55337


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