Jason Kocina

Jason is our chief digital marketing strategist. Clients love him because he’s amazing at explaining complex ideas and concepts to non-technical people. In fact, Jason has been teaching businesses how to turn their websites into profit centers since 1995. “I’ve always been fascinated by the Internet. I look at it as being akin to the Gutenberg press,” he comments. And just as the pioneering publishers before him, Jason feels most invigorated when he’s helping clients use digital media to distinguish themselves from the competition. He is one of those rare people who can effortlessly interpret how changes happening on the Internet are likely to benefit or hinder a marketing program. Using his extensive experience in design and web development, he can quickly review any scenario and determine how best to help a client. He’s also genuine. “I enjoy working with all of the different marketing directors and business owners,” he confirms.
Read Jason's articles below.
Tap into the networking power of your LinkedIn Connections

Tap into the networking power of your LinkedIn Connections

Your LinkedIn Connections are a powerful mix of personal, educational and business contacts. Once you are connected with these people, you can communicate with them directly, view their profiles and see their own lists of connections. This provides you with a valuable networking toolset.

On the main LinkedIn navigation page, you will find a Contacts section that opens a dropdown menu. Clicking on Connections on this secondary menu will open your LinkedIn Connections list. Use these ideas to network and grow your LinkedIn presence and Connections database:

2960 Judicial Road, Suite 230

Burnsville, MN 55337


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