You’ve got very smart people in your company. They know your product and industry better than anyone! If you could just share some of what’s in their heads with the right prospects, you know sales would increase. That’s why white papers matter. They put high-value content in the right hands, and you capture more quality leads.
Media Relations’ writers can help organize your team’s ideas and get them in writing. Our writers have written for more than 70 different industries. We can write clearly and intelligently about your industry as well.
White papers make ideal gated content
Gated content is anything that requires someone to supply information, such as their name and email address, before they can read, download or interact with it. Gated content is most often created for lead generation. It converts your anonymous web visitors into known contacts.
Our Media-Grade Content® will start conversations
Think of white papers as ice breakers. You’ll get the reader’s contact information and you’ll know what interests them. To get the most from your white paper:
- Tackle an issue that is common within your primary target market. Provide must-read information by addressing topics that concern decision makers. Our Media-Grade Content will help ensure that you educate readers and prompt a desire to know more.
- Know where your ideal prospects are within the consumer buying process. Do you want to reach people who are just beginning to identify their needs or are you targeting people who are well into evaluating their options? Meet people where they are, and provide factual tipping points in your favor.
- Avoid heavily promotional content. Use your white paper to establish your credibility as a trusted industry expert.
A white paper doesn’t have to be long or complicated. It just needs to be informative, well written and persuasive. It needs to clearly communicate your knowledge on a subject of interest to your primary market. Let’s talk about your next (or first) white paper.
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