Your website should be your company’s marketing workhorse, operating 24/7 to educate and sell. Everything from your publicity to your social media marketing directs prospects to your website. Is it ready? Without the right marketing foundation, a website may look just fine, but it may never drive sales. It might not differentiate your business from your competitors’. Or worse, it may never even get noticed.
At Checkerboard, we understand marketing in addition to having the technical know-how to create a visually pleasing, hard-working website. Our entire staff receives ongoing marketing training. Agencies are at a huge disadvantage if they only know how to create a pretty website. Websites must be effective marketing/sales funnels, and must always be focused on your bottom line.
At the start of your project, we’ll sit down and discuss your product’s promotional needs. We’ll ask you questions that extend beyond the basics to ensure your website’s marketing foundation is strong. These may include:
•What actions do you want users to take on your site?
•How does your company make most of its revenue?
•Which profit areas do you want to grow?
•Who are your customers, and why do they buy from you?
•What are the key objections to your products or services?
•How will this website integrate with your other marketing channels?
The answers to these questions enable us to create a site structure that contains the right keywords and SEO in the right spots. This flow can help get your primary messaging in front of your customers more effectively.
Checkerboard also understands that you may not have time to keep up with the latest web marketing tactics. That’s why we also provide ongoing resources and support so your site keeps working for you. We stay up-to-date with the latest technology and marketing strategies to ensure you have a strong, marketing-focused website. We constantly keep you informed of the issues that matter to you. This helps save you time, resources and relieves stress.
If you’re looking for a full-service web design firm with marketing expertise that will help bring structure to your ideas and goals, Checkerboard is that firm. Give us a call at (952) 697-5211 or request an appointment online for a free website review.
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