The latest major release of WordPress focused on security and reliability. The major release...

Tate Harmann
Ecommerce Website Design: WooCommerce is Popular … and Customizable
WooCommerce is by far the most popular eCommerce plugin for the blogging/CMS...
WordPress 5.0 Release: Dealing with Gutenberg
A recent topic that has been surfacing again and again on WordPress forums and blogs is the...
WordPress Security: Recent Brute Force Attack Targets WordPress
On December 17th, at approximately 9pm central time, WordFence reported that they were seeing the...
CAPTCHA fun: These icons help us block spambots and spark engagement
We knew that we needed a CAPTCHA to block spam, so we created something that not only stops spam but it also helps us immediately engage with our users.
These enhancements make your website more user-friendly and valuable
Your website should be an important part of your sales team, an asset that you just can’t live without. If it’s not connected with your other business tools, however, it may feel more like a liability. We’re often asked to make a website more user-friendly. The two most common enhancements are ecommerce and data integration. Both of these technical updates can extend the functionality of your website and boost its earning potential.
Post new website content yourself
Your business saves time and money when you can log into your website and post new website content yourself. That’s one of the reasons we build websites on easy-to-use WordPress. With this platform, you can update content, post blogs and make many other website changes yourself. We’ll show you how.
Four ways to protect your WordPress website from malicious attacks
It’s a shame we have to defend websites against viruses and other people’s actions, but we do. Please ensure your site receives security updates. We’re happy to provide these updates for you. It’s far less stressful for you to take care of a little preventive maintenance now than to deal with a disruption later. These important measures can help protect your WordPress website from attackers.