There are some big changes coming this month in the world of PHP, and your site may be affected. On December 31, 2018, PHP 5.6 will no longer be supported with security updates. This is a huge deal when it comes to your website’s security. As the code gets older, it leaves itself open to major security breaches. In order to avoid this, you need to upgrade before the end of the year.
Some hosts, like WPEngine, will automatically upgrade for you at a certain time. This will be great for simple sites who don’t have a lot of plugins or customization. However, this does not mean it won’t cause any issues. What we’re finding is that some sites will upgrade fine, and others will need to remove out of date plugins and replace them with newer, supported, ones.
The good news is, upgrading means moving to PHP 7.2, which brings with it some really great features. Not only will your systems be up to date, but they will be more secure, and run faster. We’ve seen some really great speed increases on the sites we’re moving or building in PHP 7.2.
What About PHP 7.0?
PHP 7.0 is already out of date and no longer supported. That’s why we recommend going straight to 7.2.
What Are My Options?
For this migration, you have a couple of options.
You can wait, and hope that your host upgrades automatically and no issues are found.
You can try to do it yourself.
You can take advantage of our PHP Upgrade service.
PHP Upgrade – Holiday Special
Let us take care of all the details for you. We’ll run a PHP compatibility check, make the update, and then check and fix* any issues that crop up. We’ll leave you with the peace of mind that the job was done right, and leave you with a better, faster site when we’re done. You can get this package for $270 through the end of the month.
Need Marketing or Support? Get the PHP Upgrade for FREE
As the end of the year draws near, we have some space for monthly marketing and support clients. If you’d rather just have a team of marketers, graphic designers, and developers at your beck and call, we can help! All clients who place money on account** or sign up for a new monthly program between now and December 31st, will receive their PHP Upgrade for free.
Give me a call at 612-787-7483 to discuss your web and marketing needs. Let’s work together to hit the ground running in 2019.
*Fixes that take more than 2 hours will be estimated out as an additional cost.
**Client must place at least $2000 on a House Account to qualify.
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