You want your company to be as good as it can possibly be. That’s why every business needs to create a company vision. This vision defines what you want your business to look like, and what it intends to become. By...
Marketing used to be a lot simpler. You used to be able to just run some ads in the newspaper, fork over some money to put a spread in the phone book, and send out some fliers in the mail. The paper mail. And that...
Your digital marketing strategy needs to include video. It’s more than just a trend. It’s just may be the future of marketing. If you’re not already using video on your website and social media channels, it’s time to...
Digital advertising can be a highly effective way to increase visibility and drive sales. To get the best return for our clients’ investments, our Checkerboard team optimizes every online campaign. Our clients...
Websites are only valuable if they are current. Today’s consumers go online to find answers. If your website is filled with outdated information, doesn’t answer their questions or worse – can’t be found – it won’t...