How can you improve the performance of your website?

by | May 1, 2013 | Design, Integrated Marketing | 0 comments

How many times have you looked at your website and asked yourself if you should somehow make it better?  I assure you, you are not alone!  Close your eyes and envision your website as a living, breathing entity…now, incorporate the realization that this entity needs to be constantly nurtured and fed in order to perform at optimum levels.  Now open your eyes and take notes of what you ‘saw’ happening – was your website thriving or starving?

For most of us the answer is…starving.  Here are 3 things you can do to help improve performance:

1)  Take a look at your contact information.  Your company name, address, phone, and email should be easy to find.  Consider placing it in multiple locations and using a different font or color to make it stand out.  When people aren’t clear on how to find you…they will move on to other options and you are losing money.

2)  Get a content schedule in place.  This will ensure that viable, relevant content is being added to your website.  Once content is being added on a regular basis – you can start to build your network (email, Facebook, Twitter).

3)  Ensure your website it mobile-friendly.  According to a comScore study, there was a 25% increase in people that searched for businesses on mobile devices from April 2012 to December 2012.  If your website is not set up to be viewed correctly on mobile devices – your business is being overlooked.

Checkerboard Strategic Web Development can help – contact Alicia at


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2960 Judicial Road, Suite 230

Burnsville, MN 55337


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