You have a thriving Facebook community for your company, which is great! To be specific, you have 431 friends on your company’s Facebook profile. Wait, Did I just say “friends” and “profile”? You’re probably wondering why I said that, considering companies and products are supposed to have Pages and fans, not Profiles and friends.
Whoops. Are you one of the many companies who built your brand on a Facebook Profile versus a Facebook Page? Per Facebook rules, Profiles are strictly for people, and Pages strictly for businesses. Well, we’ve got some good news for you: Facebook has just released a tool that will let you convert your “whoops” company Profile into a Page. The best part of this is that your “friends” are automatically transferred over as “fans”, so you don’t have to worry about losing those loyal 431 people and starting over from scratch.
Check out this article on Mashable to learn more about how to make the switch, and what to expect when you do.
You don’t know how many times I saw this in ’09. The wave of social media came on fast for many businesses and right out of the gate we felt like we were behind the ball. It is nice we have an answer for the next company that comes to us with that problem. Thanks Natalie(well I guess thanks to Zuckerberg, too).
Thanks Jason!
I agree that this was a long-needed change. Before, companies who built their brand around a Profile were at risk of being shut down by Facebook (aka Zuckerberg), because businesses or products posing as people or “Profiles” is technically against Facebook guidelines. Thankfully now these companies can play by the rules without losing the fan base they worked so hard for!