I am working on several great projects and always talking to interesting people during most of my days, but what the iPad has given me is a one place to focus on our own online marketing efforts. When I pick it up it focuses me on running my Web site.
I am a sucker for gadgets, but for an online marketing tool the iPad is proving to be a valuable tool. Here is a list of apps I have been using to run my online marketing campaigns through my WordPress site on the iPad.
Early Edition ($4.99) This is exactly how I have always envisioned RSS readers. Add RSS feeds from your favorite blogs, authors and search terms and have Early Edition create your personalize daily paper. No one said maintaining your edge through research couldn’t be enjoyable. I read posts from my vendors, sources like Mashable.com and AllFacebook as well as follow all of my customers. It is also valuable to use this tool to evaluate the quality of your own blogs.
TweetDeck (free) It may sound strange that as the president of a tech firm I am just getting into Twitter. I have relied on my staff to focus on this promotional channel, at least on a professional level. The combination of TweetDeck and the iPad makes for an enjoyable experience monitoring feeds and searches as well as truly engaging with the community. I can pop in whenever I have a free moment.
WordPress (free) I spend more time editing and scheduling posts directly through the browser on my iPad, but when I want to pound out some story ideas and drafts, the WordPress app works like a charm. Using the WordPress site through the browser is perfect for playing the role of your site’s editor, but I think I will need to try the docking station if I want to do my writing on it.
Analytics HD ($6.99) With no Flash support, Google Analytics can be a little tough to use on the iPad. Analytics HD solves this. It is still not as easy as the online version, but it gets me to the important numbers.
1Password ($6.99) When you get an idea you want to implement, the worst thing that can happen is to get trapped into looking up passwords. The nice thing about containing all of your marketing on one device is that I only have to remember one password. Simple but time saving, at least for me.
Todo ($4.99) If you don’t create your own to do list, someone will create one for you. For my important tasks I use Todo. Simple interface and I can move around fast in it. Helps me to stay focused on the important tasks related to growing my business. Love it!
Calendar (installed) I love the feel on this calendar. Synced it with all of my Google calendars and was ready to go in minutes.
Google (free) I am starting to use the voice search more, it is a lot quicker than on my Google phone, but the main reason I got this app is for quick access to my gmail and Google docs. I use the main email on the iPad specifically for leads and items ideas, (It is nice to have an email no one else has.)
MailChimp (free) It is still just an iPhone app, but it is nice to be able to add people to the list and check out the statistics on the latests sends. I am sure they will update it shortly with an iPad version.
If you missed my article on Chimpadeedoo, a MailChimp iPad app which just launched, check it out here.
YouTube (installed) When doing research via YouTube, all I have to do is favorite a video to share it with my friends on Twitter and YouTube. Great for building up your own YouTube channels.
flickr Photos ($2.99) Getting photos to the iPad can be difficult without the special camera connection pack. But with teams it is nice to have photos available online. Consider looking into rights management through Flickr and make your great photos available to reporters and online influencers.
RDP ($5.99) Once in a while you need to go to your real computer to grab something. Remote Desktop through the iPad is surprisingly easy. I would suggest you spring for the full version. Having that right click is well worth it.
Write Pad ($1.99) My stylus is still in the mail so I haven’t see the full potential of this app yet, but the possibility of being able to jot down notes on my iPad is intriguing. I certainly can’t do it with my finger though. I will have to let you know how this one goes.
Square (Free) Starting a project requires a down payment. When I prospect is ready to become a client all it takes is a credit card and you can swipe it right on your iPad. Get your free card reader via mail when you sign up.
I hope you enjoy your iPad as much as I have so far. Let me know if you would like to learn more about driving your Web site to success – kocinaj@checkerboard.com or follow me on twitter @jason_kocina.
I have started using iThoughtsHD(https://www.ipadmindmap.com) as well and am loving it.
I absolutely LOVE 1Password. Combine it with Dropbox to create a key file you can use from any 1Password app or application. 1Password + Dropbox = Password Sync. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7AYVzt8uNA