When you need website improvements, your web agency should tailor its work to your needs. Agile Methodology helps us do this. With Agile web development, we adapt to your feedback as the project progresses. This...
Updating your website can be a smooth process. Because we build our clients’ websites on WordPress, we can make updates while keeping sites live and functional. Even if clients wish to carry out a complete rebranding,...
First-class website support means more than just technical skills. It means quick, understandable answers from someone who genuinely cares about clients’ satisfaction. Checkerboard’s new WordPress Tech, Tate Harmann,...
A website is a little bit like a car: ongoing maintenance and care are essential for it to stay in good shape and keep running smoothly. And just as a customer-focused auto shop makes maintenance easier for its...
If you have a WordPress website, you’ve probably heard of the term “widgets”. Widgets are a commonly found feature in WordPress websites, but users often don’t understand what they are or what...