Your digital marketing strategy needs to include video. It’s more than just a trend. It’s just may be the future of marketing. If you’re not already using video on your website and social media channels, it’s time to...
If you’ve ever been in a conference call, chances are you’ve ran into a couple… issues. You know, things like someone’s mic is throwing out excruciating feedback, dropped calls, babies crying...
Over the years, YouTube has become an increasingly important avenue through which you can speak to your audience. While some industries and businesses are more conducive to video than others, there are almost always...
I wrote an article way back in 2010 about taking better video with your phone or pocket camera. Two years is a long time in tech, and I’m not sure too many people are carrying around pocket cameras anymore. But,...
(I know. Kind of an easy post title, but I couldn’t resist) Google recently launched Project Loon, an ambitious effort to see if a network of balloons flying way up in the stratosphere can be used to deliver...