Your company website should never stop changing. You need to update your business’ personnel listings, post company news and make a host of other small alterations. When Checkerboard builds your website, our team will...
It’s no secret that Checkerboard loves Google. Well, it seems that the love has spread to our parent company, Media Relations Agency, and we are really excited to have everyone fully integrated into Google...
Q: Why choose Checkerboard? A: Our approach to building websites is different than other agencies. We start with a solid foundation that enables you and your staff to drive your website as you go. Because things change...
Who would have thought that tree trimmers and contractors would be using inexpensive, on-the-go technology to get noticed by serious buyers? Star Tribune reporter Todd Nelson wanted to know more, so he interviewed me...
Having built, trained and set up hundreds of clients with our marketing platform, you can imagine we have seen a lot of customers dealing with how best to use their new sites. I have seen it many times, our clients...