Digital marketing can help you attract more website visitors and build customer relationships. You don’t need a technical background to do it. The next MarketSmart seminar, A non-techie’s guide to digital marketing,...
You know that social media is earning a place in many business marketing plans, but perhaps you’re not sure how to take full advantage of its momentum? We can help! Once a month, Checkerboard Strategic Web...
We provide several classes to the community about preparing for and getting the most out of social media. Social media isn’t going away, it is only getting stronger. This class attempts to prepare business...
I just got the update from Cynde Bock who heads up our MarketSmart Strategy Lab classes that we are filling up for this Thursday’s free class on planning for social media, but there are still some seats...
Albert Einstein defined insanity as, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” In this economy, you need to make sound, rational marketing decisions or risk the health of your...