Understanding Syndication

by | Mar 11, 2010 | At Checkerboard, Integrated Marketing, Social Media, Web Development | 0 comments


Having a great sales funnel and measurable conversion point, and being able to easily publish updates to your site is a must. But to understand what puts the power into our sites you have to understand syndication. These sites make your content portable.  By portable I mean the content is fully separate from the design and can be re-posted in a completely different design or even a different platform.  Look at this example:  we published a story on our site about a new Web site launch through our site.

Here are 13 things that could happen with my content when I push publish:

  1. Post to my Web site
  2. Be sent to our Facebook Fan Page
  3. Linked in Twitter
  4. Retweeted by key staff
  5. Posted to Digg, Delicious and other social book marketing sites
  6. Sent to the search engines for indexing
  7. Posted on my personal Twitter and Facebook profiles
  8. Sent out in a email marketing letter to my prospect list.
  9. Published on our MarketSmart Connections Web sites, Twitter Feeds, and email lists
  10. Published on AllTop and other news aggregators
  11. Published to syndication relationships where they get ad revenue generated from traffic to my content on their site and you get the word out.
  12. Our Internal Yammer Account (for sales and support staff) to be shared with their prospects.
  13. Alerted on my cell phone
  14. What can you dream up?

This package was not developed from a technical perspective though the options were pivotal to selecting the right tools.   We brought together all our companies for this.

Once you get up and running with your WordPress site and start publishing remember: In an environment where content is portable and encouraged to be used by other sites you have to understand your Positioning Statement and what action you want your prospects to take.  Both need to be embedded in your content.

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