During Tuesday’s class on Creating a Social Media Plan, I shared this article “23 Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Have Built Their Communities” that I think may be useful for those of you who have just started blogging. Within the article, each entrepreneur offered their advice on how they first built their communities within the social media world.
The most common themes that arose across the board were: personality, community, and offering. Many of the entrepreneurs reiterated that your blog needs to have a personality. If you want to draw people in you need to be creative and unique. Community, before you build your own community, you need to figure out who is your community. What people are you trying to reach? What kind of audience do you want to read your blog? Offering, what products or ideas are you selling to others? Make your content valuable and rich to your audience. Draw them in by your title and post. Once you think through and figure these common themes out for your own company, you can start building a successful blog for others to interact with.
Social media is a large phenomenon these days. Try to take everything in and absorb it. Blogs are something that can be used and developed over time. Read the full article through the link below.
Rob’s Web Tips: https://www.robswebtips.com/21-entrepreneurs-reveal-how-they-built-their-communities/
Hey Jason, appreciate you sharing this article! You rock!