“Find. Follow. List. Engage.” Checkerboard President Jason Kocina gave this potent strategy for connecting with target audiences during the Let’s Talk Twitter: Twitter for Business class that he hosted in January. At this free MarketSmart Academy class, area businesspeople were treated to useful tips for reaching their customers on Twitter.
Jason provided both academic knowledge and practical strategies to help class participants leverage the popular social media service to tell their stories. He suggested tactics to help Twitter initiates and savvy Twitter veterans alike.
One of the biggest questions that Twitter users may grapple with is: How can they gain more Twitter followers? Jason explained that these five qualities encourage other users to click “follow” on Twitter:
- Be a good company. Providing excellent customer service and a quality product makes your social media work easier.
- Quality of content. Content is king. Other users are more likely to share your content if it is relevant and insightful.
- Frequency of posting. The more often you post, the more likely customers are to read and retain your message.
- Size of audience. When you have a significant number of followers, this signals to other users that you have clout and influence.
- Responsiveness. Retweet what followers say, or give them a mention. Build relationships with other users and be timely in your responses.
In an interactive discussion, Jason also addressed tactics for keeping a Twitter stream full of quality content, covering a live event, and reacting appropriately if a social media disaster should strike.
If you missed the class, don’t worry. You can download a free paper about Twitter, and sign up to receive additional materials for no charge, by clicking here. And, sign up for the next free MarketSmart Academy class, Crafting a Standout Social Media Strategy. The class will be held at noon on Tuesday, February 24 in Burnsville. Come learn how to position yourself as the expert in your niche. Use technology to your advantage when telling your story!
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